Saturday 7 November 2009

Applemore College, Hythe, by SHH


This month I'm determined to get through the backlog of shoots from during the summer which are waiting to be featured on this here blog. And here's one of them: The newly-revamped dining facilities at Applemore College secondary school in Hythe - which is just across the water from my old stamping ground of Southampton.

The project is one of two designed by Spencer Harris Hogan (SHH) - I'll post pictures of the other in the near future - commissioned by UK government body The School Food Trust. SHH worked in close consultation with The Sorrell Foundation on these test projects to improve poor dining environments in schools.

At Applemore College, the robust new interior features bold graphics and colours aimed at giving an urban feel. And it seems to be holding up pretty well to the abuse thrown at it every lunchtime...





knit nurse

hmm, a brave attempt but I think it needs more than a few lairy chairs and some paint to improve that space! Perhaps they could start by removing the strip lighting - they do seem to have two lots of lighting in there after all! It's a shame the structure is so busy, I like the utilitarian feel but who designed the bracing?! I assume the hazard tape is there because it's a hazard, not as part of the decor?! Or perhaps that was the starting point for the inspiration?

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